
Hi, James here. Trying something out this month. I had asked if you guys would want to see us play around with the update schedule a bit, so we’re breaking this one up into two shorter chunks to see how it feels. I kind of like the idea of just dropping like a page a day too, but nobody wanted that. I won’t say when it's going to drop so you can get a little taste of that update culture you’ve heard so much about, though. We’re getting to the point where there won’t be a ton to discuss here about what's going on behind the scenes. We are working on a really robust couple of updates that require a lot of assets and planning. I’m thinking of ways to improve our Patreon experience too. Maybe some preview stuff that will stay exclusive. I’m trying to learn adobe illustrator (🤮) so we can do some merch. Against my will I’ve become a “middle-aged comics guy” and a “owns and operates a clothing brand guy.” Absolutely disgusting. Alright, see you soon.


Hi, James here. They say no news is good news, so in that regard... Good news! Nothing to report, just yet. Thanks for joining us last month for our various events. A lot of behind the scenes work by a lot of people made it all possible. Some hefty...[Read More]


Hi, James here. 15 whole years, huh? Like a lot of you Homestuck has touched my life in a way I can’t exactly quantify. Instead of just me saying whatever I want, this time around I wanted to let the team say a few words too. I’m still going first...[Read More]


Hi, James here. You might be wondering “Hee Hee, Hoo Hoo, I wonder what trickery and mischief the HS:BC team has cooked up for me on this most devilish of days..” Fortunately for everyone I have no elaborate April Fool’s Day joke for you. It is my most sa...[Read More]


Hi, James here. What a week. What a month. What a year. Hope this update finds you well. About time we heard from these guys. A lot of things goin on this month, it was just announced that the guys over at Requiem ...[Read More]
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